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Online credit culture of Hasanuddin university students at  PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi 

Erma Rosdiana  

Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Hasanuddin University,  Makassar, Indonesia 



Hasanuddin University students study with the aim of seeking knowledge, but  they also prepare learning tools to support the learning process. Unfortunately, not  all students have enough money to fulfill these needs, so they do online credit at  PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi. The research method used is a qualitative  research method using descriptive writing to see the phenomenon of installments  made by students as well as the research objectives as a form of contribution to  the development of ethnography, especially in the field of online credit.The results  of this study show that online credit is a culture carried out by students to fulfill their learning needs. By doing online credit at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi,  students feel safer with transparent fees, no hidden fees. The installment financing  scheme is adjusted to the student's ability.  

Keywords: online credit, students, economic behavior, ethnography 1. Introduction 

Hasanuddin University is one of the largest universities in eastern Indonesia. In  the 2020/2021 academic year Unhas accepted 6,949 new students. The total number  of students in 2020 is 35,176. In the learning process, Unhas students have many  learning tools. The living expenses incurred by each student are different from  other students. There are several factors that influence this difference, one of which  is lifestyle. Students as part of millennial children, have shown special behaviour  as the demands of today. The results of this study indicate that students have diverse  lifestyles, differing from one another, in terms of appearance, language accent,  student activities outside campus, and self-control. Their shopping is not controlled  by the amount of money they have and the needs of life in a month, but tends to be  a very complex momentary decision (Hastuti, 2019). There are various ways that  students can fulfil all these life needs, including through parents' fees, public and  private scholarships, working part-time and making educational loans to institutions  that provide. A non-bank institution that also serves education loans is Cicil from  

Commented [MOU1]: Sebaiknya tidak menggunakan nama  perusahaan. Menghindari masalah hukum 

Commented [MOU2]: I suggest not to mention name of  company 

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Commented [MOU5]: Sebaiknya tidak menulis Unhas  secara detail. Sy saran menggunakan mahasiswa di  perguruan tinggi saja

PT Solusi Mitra Teknologi. The uniqueness of Cicil is that students can directly buy  the items needed online and then Cicil will provide payment first. After that students  can make payments directly to Cicil not to the store that sells. Cicil can be accessed  through the cicil application and can also be accessed through the web  page. The online credit phenomenon carried out by Unhas students is deliberately  carried out through PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi (Cicil). Students who are  students, do not yet have a fixed income to meet their needs independently choose  to pay in instalments for goods that are more expensive than buying cash.  

The problem formulation of this study (1) How is the Unhas student's idea  system regarding online credit at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi? (2) How is the  pattern of online credit management carried out by Unhas students at PT Cicil  Solusi Mitra Teknologi? (3) To what extent is online credit management in meeting  the needs of Unhas students? 

The objectives of this study (1) Mention and explain the system of ideas of  Unhas students regarding online credit at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi. (2)  Explaining the methods used by students in managing online credit from PT Cicil  Solusi Mitra Teknologi. (3) Describe the effectiveness in the utilization of online  credit services carried out by Unhas students through PT Cicil Solusi Mitra  Teknologi. 

Fintech is the use of technology to provide new and better financial services  (Thakor, 2019). Thakor (2019) said the areas covered by fintech can be broadly  described as: (a) credit, deposit, and capital raising services; (b) payment, clearing  and settlement services, including digital currencies; (c) investment management  services (including trading); and (d) insurance. 

To ensure the security of both the company and the public who become  consumers, the government participates in the supervision and evaluation of  financial transaction processes that have been supported by information technology.  Of course as the economic and social impact of fintech grows, it becomes  increasingly difficult for legislators to clearly communicate their expectations to  them, leading to confusion and potentially opening dangerous loopholes in the  financial system. According to CNBC, fintech products that are currently popular  in Indonesia include payment, clearing, settlement, e-aggregator, risk management,  

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investment and peer to peer lending. In Indonesia itself, based on OJK 2018  statistics, the most rapidly growing types of fintech are fintech lending and  payment. Payment is one of the largest types of fintech in Indonesia with 34% of  all existing fintech. 

The main legal basis used in lending and borrowing activities in PTP fintech  activities is POJK 77/2016. The legal basis that can be used shows evidence of the  validity of credit activities through online media. Based on POJK No. 77 of 2016  Article 1 point 3 states: Information Technology-Based Money Lending and  Borrowing Services is the implementation of financial services to bring together  lenders and loan recipients in order to conduct lending and borrowing agreements  in rupiah currency directly through an electronic system using the internet network. 

Credit culture is the behaviour of taking the necessities of life first and  paying for them in the future. Credit can occur anywhere, both in traditional  communities in villages and modern communities in cities. Rosdiana (2019) stated  that credit is taken by the women of Bone-bone community because they have small  and uncertain opinions while the high selling price of goods cannot be reached. In  addition, traders always promote to mothers continuously so that they have a close  relationship and continue to subscribe to the trader.  

Jumalia (2019) in her research on Angirang stated that the debt behaviour  of the Kodingareng Keke Community, Makassar is a community habit and a bond  between traders and buyers. Every buyer who has owed the trader must continue to  owe there forever, it can be said to be a subscription place for debt.  

Jelly (2021) in her research describes that customers of the Syari'ah  Financial Services Cooperative Baitull Maalwattamwi (KJKS BMT) Batuang Taba  Nan XX Village from the Minangkabau, Javanese and Batak tribes have different  ways of repayment. Culture has a significant influence on the formation of  paradigms and community behaviour in interpreting social phenomena and  realities. In this study, it was concluded that different cultures have different  influences on customer behaviour in responding to business assistance funds at  KJKS Batuang Taba Village. Muhartono (2018) stated that debts made by  fishermen in Jember, East Java to pangambe in order to fulfil the operational needs  of fishermen, such as purchasing boats, fishing gear and marketing fish. The pattern  

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of cooperative relationships with 'pengambe' developed after the motorisation of  boats. Fishermen need 'pengambe' to supplement the lack of capital to buy boats  and fishing gear. The pattern of cooperation between fishermen and 'pengambe' is  the driving force of fisheries business in Jember Regency. 

Credit, which has become a culture in the community, certainly has positive  and negative impacts. The negative impact revealed by Jumalia (2019) is the  creation of a generation of debtors. They continuously fulfil their needs by getting  into debt, their lives are only used to pay debts. It is not much different from what  was revealed by Rosdiana (2019) that debt that becomes a habit will make a  headache and headache if it has accumulated while money is not yet available to be  used to pay overdue instalments. Not only consumers who feel the negative impact  of debt, for community traders who do not want to pay off their debts will have an  impact on their sales. This is very undesirable for traders. Moreover, they cannot  take legal action to force them to pay the debt. Only social sanctions are given to  mothers who do not want to pay their debts (Rosdiana, 2019). 

On the other hand, Rosdiana (2019) describes the benefits of credit, the  existence of credit carried out by the women of the Bone-bone community they can  meet their needs by paying in instalments at traders who provide instalment  services. This is also supported by Jumalia's (2018) statement that the angirang  culture makes it easy for them to fulfil their needs even though they do not have  money, they will pay their debts when they get money from fishing. 

Muhartono (2018) added that the existence of Pangembe' which provides  capital to fishermen as operational costs. It is very helpful for the fishermen, without  this assistance the fishermen cannot go fishing. Not only do fishermen benefit from  the agreement to sell fish catches to Pangembe', Pangembe' also benefits from the  sale of fish without fear of running out of fish stocks. 

Seeing the impact of debt or credit that provides benefits to the community  at large. Credit that has become a culture in fulfilling the needs of life is seen through anthropological review as cultural patterns that have been integrated with  the times. New discoveries in the field of financial technology further accelerate  and facilitate the process of accessing credit that can be done by all levels of society. 

2. Research Method 

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The research method used in this research is qualitative research method and  the type of approach used is holistic approach. This research is located on the  Hasanuddin University campus, this location was chosen because based on  information there is online credit behaviour by Unhas students at PT Cicil Solusi  Mitra Teknologi. Researchers contacted the Cicil team and then the Cicil team  through the supervisor helped researchers to get expert informants who could  provide information related to this research. Through expert informants, researchers  asked for informant recommendations.  

Table 1 List of research informants 

No. Name Faculty Age Description 1 Rahman - 27 Cicil Supervisor 2 Agung Mipa 27 Brand Ambassador 3 Mika Mipa 19 Brand Ambassador 4 Lisa Fisip 22 Brand Ambassador 5 Abi FEB 22 User 6 Rara FKM 22 User 7 Lily Agriculture 23 User 8 Budi Agriculture 23 User 9 Arum Nursing 25 User 10 Sony Fisip 22 User 

Source: Processed data 2023 

The selected informants were unhas students and volunteered for the interview.  Interviews were conducted online, via google meet, whatsapp call, and text  message. To maintain the confidentiality of information and the identity of  informants, all names are disguised using pseudonyms. 

The data collection techniques were carried out using interactive and non interactive methods, non-interactive methods were carried out by analysing  documents, articles, and various other sources related to the research. Meanwhile,  interactive methods by means of in-depth interviews. The data collection technique  will be carried out using snowball sampling. 

Data analysis is carried out through several steps, namely: interview recordings  were first transcribed. Transcripts were read and searched for "keywords" related  to the Credit category, the perception of female students related to online credit, the  reasons for female students to do online credit and the influence felt by female  students after doing online credit. 

Commented [MOU15]: Please use anonym names 

3. Preliminary result/result/critical overview 

Based on the initial research findings, researchers found facts about students'  ideas related to online credit. Students need goods that must be fulfilled  immediately and they choose to fulfil these needs by way of online credit. Uniquely,  students who do credit with the approval of their parents, which means that it is  their parents who provide the money to pay off the credit. so far, students really  appreciate the existence of online credit at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi. 

3.1 Student ideas related to online credit at PT Cicicl Solusi Mitra Teknologi 

Generally, unhas students do not work and have little money, at the same time  they need gadgets to support the learning process, need money to pay UKT or need  credit for online lectures. 

They get information about Cicil from close people, so they trust and decide  to take an instalment. Students also compare Cicil with online credit applications  and they find that Cicil is cheaper, there is no interest but there are additional costs  in the form of transaction fees, lender margin fees, and platform fees. These fees  are considered cheaper than interest from other online loan applications. 

Table 2 List of unhas student online credits 

No Nama Online credit term (month) Price (Rp) Smartphone 6 1.200.000 

1 Mika 



Laptop 12 5.000.000 



2 Lisaprinter 4 600.000 

Mobile credit 


3 Budi Tuition fee 6 2.000.000 





6 Abi smartphone 6 1.300.000 




8 Agung smartphone 6 1.300.000

Source: processed data 2023 

Mika (19), a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,  initially needed a smartphone but didn't have much money to buy one. Her cousin  suggested her to buy it through Cicil, so she conveyed her wish to her parents  (mother) and her mother agreed.  

Unlike Budi, during the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic situation is  getting harder, Budi has to pay UKT. His cousin suggested Budi to take a tuition  loan in instalments. After discussing with his mother, Budi took a tuition loan of  Rp 1,200,000, just that once. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there is also a rule  that students must study online. Arum needed more mobile credit than usual and  started taking mobile credit instalments of Rp 100,000, the payment was made next  month. 

The requirements for applying for Cicil by students are to have a KTM (student  identification card) as proof that the student is currently active either S1, S2, S3 and  has a KTP as proof that the student is an Indonesian citizen. 

Steps to apply for an item instalment at Cicil 

1. Register  

Registering as a CICIL user only takes 5 minutes. Simply provide your full  name, email and mobile phone number. 

2. Complete Profile 

To be able to apply for a loan, complete the CICIL Goods profile using original  personal data according to your KTP (Identity Card) and KTM (Student  Identity Card). 

3. Loan Simulation 

Determine the loan scheme by copy-pasting the product link from the selected  and trusted eCommerce to CICIL, then determine the amount of down payment  and loan period you want. 

For example, a student takes an online loan in the form of a smartphone  XIAOMI 12C RAM 6/128GB 5000Mah 1 year warranty with a price of Rp  1,159,000,. and instalments for six months. Then the student must pay a lender  margin of IDR 66,526, a platform fee of IDR 141,842 and a transaction fee of IDR 

24,000. So the accumulated cost is IDR 232,368 and the down payment is IDR  115,900. Every month students pay an instalment of Rp 212,578. 4. Apply for a Loan  

If the instalment scheme is to your liking, select the delivery address, and don't  forget to read the loan terms and conditions. Your application will be reviewed  and verified within 2 - 3 working days (excluding Saturday - Sunday). 5. Get your dream item  

If your application has been approved, you will get a notification in the CICIL  app and email to do the last step, which is to sign the agreement and pay the  down payment so that we can order your goods as soon as possible. To apply for a student loan, personal documents and guarantor documents are  required. 

Personal documents to be prepared 

1. ID card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) 

2. KTM (Student Identity Card) / Campus Acceptance Letter * active student  (D3, S1, S2, S3) 

3. Family Card 

4. Proof of billing from the educational institution along with payment  instructions 

Guarantor documents that must be prepared: 

1. ID card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) 

2. Family Card / supporting documents for the relationship between the guarantor  and the borrower 

3. Personal account mutation for the last 3 months 

4. Salary slip 

Steps to apply for a student loan 

1. Register 

Registering as a CICIL user only takes 5 minutes. Simply provide your full  name, email and mobile phone number. 

2. Complete Profile 

To be able to apply for a loan, complete the CICIL Tuition profile using your  real personal data as a borrower according to your KTP (Identity Card) and 

KTM (Student Identity Card), and the guarantor's personal data according to  the required complementary documents. 

3. Loan Simulation 

Determine the loan scheme starting from determining the type of payment and  the amount of loan needed, then determine the amount of down payment and  loan term you want. 

For example, a student applies for a tuition loan with a nominal value of Rp 2,000,000 with six-month instalments. Then the student has to pay a Lender margin  of Rp 94,819, a platform fee of Rp 69,863, a transaction fee of Rp 24,000, and a  Protection Premium fee (Axa) of Rp 19,040 so the accumulated cost is Rp 207,722.  Students also need to provide a down payment of Rp.400,000, for monthly  instalments of Rp301,287. 

4. Apply for a Loan 

If the instalment scheme is to your liking, complete the application form with  proof of billing and payment instructions from the campus. Your application  will be reviewed within 3 - 5 working days (excluding Saturday and Sunday). 5. Fund Disbursement 

If your application has been approved, you will get a notification in the CICIL  app and email to do the last step, which is to sign the agreement and pay the  down payment so that we can pay your tuition bill as soon as possible. 

3.2 Online credit management pattern at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi 

Before taking online credit, students generally discuss with their parents  regarding the planning of taking credit and measuring the ability to pay credit.  Because of the instalments, students will be careful in shopping, they do not want  to be fined for delinquent payments. If you want, students can join as brand  ambassadors to get a salary, experience. 

Process in student online credit retrieval 

Student Needs 

Brand ambasador

Installment Payment 

Parents Agreement Goods 

1. Student needs 

Initially students need goods that are used to support the learning process at  Unhas. These needs must be met, otherwise the learning process will be  hampered which can result in not graduating from college on time.  2. Parental consent 

Students who do not work and all needs are met by parents, so before  deciding to take goods students will discuss with parents regarding the  decision to take the item. Parental consent means that parents are ready to  pay the instalment. 

3. Goods needed 

After getting approval from parents, students immediately register  themselves at Cicil via the Cicil Application, fill out the registration form  and agree to the terms and conditions. It only takes three days, then the  goods needed by students are in hand. 

4. Payment of instalments 

Installment payments are made every month, the amount is in accordance  with the student's ability which has been agreed upon at the beginning. For  students who are late paying will be fined Rp 1,000., and for students who  cannot complete the payment according to the agreement will be banded  alias not allowed to take another instalment. 

5. Brand ambassador 

Being a brand ambassador is an additional job for students to earn extra  money, experience and a network of friends. The duties of a brand  ambassador are marketing cicl, facilitating applications and developing  strategies and communities.


This online credit is very useful for students who are experiencing financial  problems. So it needs good management from the community so that many students  are helped in fulfilling their needs. 

3.3 Utilization of online credit at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi 

With the existence of cicil, students feel many benefits, including students  can get mobile credit faster and cheaper, students can get goods quickly and  students get the opportunity to work while studying. 

In addition, students must think about the instalments that must be paid  every month and must not be late. Because they have instalments, of course students  choose to work by joining Cicil to become part of the brand ambassadors, this, of  course, can interfere with college. 

The most important thing about the existence of Cicil as an online credit is  that students can feel the use of PT Cicil solution technology partners, students use  the cicil service repeatedly, even after graduating, students admit that they still want  to take some items but they cannot because the cicil service is only used specifically  for students. 

Students are more careful in using products purchased on credit. Because  students feel how difficult it is to get these items. 

4. Conclusion 

From this research it can be concluded that, online credit conducted by  students at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi is very safe and reliable. for students  this is evidenced by students feeling the benefits they get by joining cicil.  

Researchers suggest that students be wiser in utilising digital technology.  Able to measure ability and purchasing power so that there are no obstacles in  paying instalments. 


Hastuti, Sri dkk, 2019. Literasi Ekonomi dan gaya hidup mahasiswa. Publikasi  Ilmiah UMS. Surakarta 


Commented [MOU16]: Tidak boleh menulis dkk di daftar  pustaka. Harus menulis semua nama penulis

Jelly, (2021, December). Pengaruh Resiprositas Terhadap Pembayaran Pinjaman  

Dana Usaha dalam Konteks Budaya Minangkabau, Batak dan Jawa.  

Universitas Andalas, Padang.  

Jumalia (2019, Desember) Angnginrang: Prilaku Berutang Masyarakat di Pulau  

Kodingareng Jurnal Emik, Volume 2 Nomor 2. Maros 

Muhartono, Rizky dan Nurlaili (2018, Desember) Hutang Sebagai Pengikat  

Hubungan Nelayan dan ‘PENGAMBE’ di Kabupaten Jember, Provinsi  

Jawa Timur. Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan 13(2):239.  


Rosdiana, Erma (2019) Menyicil: Perilaku beli masyarakat Bone-Bone, Luwu  

Utara. Skripsi. Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar.  

Thakor, A. V. (2019, July 30). Fintech and Banking. Journal of Financial  

Intermedition, xxx(xxxx), 1-13. Commented [MOU17]: Tuliskan volume dan nomor jurnal Commented [MOU18]: Gunakan format IEEE





Online credit culture of Hasanuddin university  students at PT Cicil Solusi Mitra Teknologi



Erma Rosdiana

COP Number 





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Pada judul, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan nama perusahaan. Menghindari masalah hukum Sebaiknya tidak menulis Unhas secara detail. Sy saran menggunakan mahasiswa di perguruan  tinggi saja. 

Pada Daftar pustaka, ikuti format daftar pustaka dan Tidak boleh menulis dkk di daftar  pustaka. Harus menulis semua nama penulis. 

Kata yang tidak berbahasa Inggris sebaiknya dicetak miring (italic) 

Sitasi dan daftar pustaka harus menggunakan format IEEE

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Review Date: 9 November 2023



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